유민혜 Ryu Min Hae
Exquisite and Highly Active
This exhibition is based on a drawing collage. All objects and scenery have their own movements and the action of the flow occurs according to the direction. If you pay attention to observing objects or scenery, you will find out specific vibrations and resonance surrounding them. I have tried to express the flow and direction of invisible images that such objects and scenery create via drawings. The objects and scenery are sharp. Its sharpness is fixed on the paper full of the surface of flexible lines, having infinite directions to the top, bottom, sides or center of it. The flow of movements reveals its own direction with a thin solid line.

I remember those days when I kept watching the Mediterranean. As I move my perspective along the waves of the sea, I draw another place on the other side of the earth. A new scenery is made within me beyond the sea spreading out in front of my eyes. The virtual scenery is both a familiar and nostalgic place and at the same time it is an unfamiliar and new space. As the sea stays and flows, we can make a voyage between the vast and mystic earth and the virtual world.

The blue floor of the exhibition hall separates the exhibition space into two places. This is where I am standing currently, and the place where my perspective follows the opposite scenery and pursues a distant place is there. I imagine audiences across the blue floor. The movement of the moving audiences feels like a solid line of infinite movement intersecting around a fixed object in the drawing. The movement of audiences becomes a solid line, and the blue floor and various objects on it form a single large scenery with their own flow of directions.