소품락희 7th : Small Lucky
22.12.22. - 23.02.04.

갤러리조은은 2022년 한 해를 뜻깊게 마무리하고 희망찬 새해를 맞이하고자 연말연시 단체전 《소품락희 7th : Small Lucky》를 오는 12월 22일부터 2023년 2월 4일까지 개최한다. 올해로 7회째를 맞은 본 전시에서는 총 49명의 국내외 작가들의 10호부터 30호까지 다채로운 소형 작품 150점을 선보일 예정이다.

소품락희는 매년 수백 명의 관람객이 방문하는 갤러리조은의 대규모 연례 그룹전인 만큼, 신진작가부터 원로 화백들의 작품까지 국내 미술계의 동향을 한눈에 파악할 수 있는 전시다.

전광영(b.1944), 오세열(b.1945) 같은 대가들의 최신 소형작품부터 장광범(b.1972), 서상익(b.1977), 윤상윤(b.1978), 정성준(b.1981), 채지민(b.1983) 등 갤러리에서 꾸준히 프로모션하는 작가들의 소품 신작을 선보일 예정이다. 뿐만 아니라 새롭게 협업하게 된 백윤조(b.1980), 이재현(b.1979), 성연화(b.1986), 이동구(b.1997), 타츠히토 호리코시Tatsuhito Horikoshi(b.1985,일본), 가브리엘 그래슬 Gabrielle Graessle(b.1956,스위스) 같은 국내외 작가들의 최신작을 선보이며 2023년 갤러리조은의 새로운 얼굴들을 만나 볼 수 있는 전시이기도 하다.

‘한남동의 작은 키아프‘라는 애칭처럼, 페인팅, 드로잉 같은 장르에 국한하지 않고 토베이tOBEY(b.1984) 작가의 아트토이 조형물부터, 최수환(b.1972) 작가의 LED 페인팅까지 다양한 스타일의 작품을 한눈에 조망할 수 있다.

한 해 동안 갤러리조은을 사랑해준 국내외 미술 애호가들과 새로운 한 해를 뜻깊게 시작하고자, 갤러리조은은 연말연시 선물전을 통해 관객들에게 ‘작지만 소중한 행운 Small Lucky’을 선사할 예정이다.

감만지(b.1995), 권민호(b1979), 김민경(b.1980), 김병주(b.1979), 김영리(b.1959), 김정선(b.1972), 김정인(b.1991), 김진(b.1974), 만욱(b.1975), 박형진(b.1971), 백윤조(b.1980), 변웅필(b.1970), 서상익(b.1977), 서조(b.1996), 설휘(b.1969), 성연화(b.1986), 신윤주(b.1992), 승연례(b.1949), 아트놈(b.1971), 양화선(b.1983), 우병출(b.1969), 오세열(b.1945), 요요진(b.1984), 유선태(b1957), 윤상윤(b.1978), 이동구(b.1997), 이사라(b.1979), 이왈종(b.1945), 이재현(b.1979), 이희조(b.1994), 잠산(b.1974), 장광범(b.1972), 정성준(b.1981), 정영환(b.1970), 전광영(b.1944), 조성찬(b.1969), 청신(b.1981), 채지민(b.1983), 최명애(b.1951), 최수환(b.1972), 최유성(b.1983), 현지너리(b.1992), 가브리엘 그래슬 Gabrielle Graessle(b.1956), 쿤 Kun, 모제 아세프자Mojé Assefjah(b.1970), 타츠히토 호리코시Tatsuhito Horikoshi(b.1985), 토베이tOBEY(b.1984), 탕크Tanc(b.1979), 마이코 코바야시Maiko Kobayashi(b.1977)

Gallery Joeun is pleased to present the year-end and New Year's group exhibition "소품락희 7th: Small Lucky" from December 22 to February 4, 2023, to bring the year to a meaningful close and welcome a hopeful new year. The exhibition, which celebrates its seventh anniversary this year, features 150 different small works by a total of 48 international artists.

As this exhibition is an important annual group exhibition of the gallery that attracts hundreds of visitors every year, one can follow the trends of the Korean art scene from emerging to established artists.

From the latest small works by old masters such as Chun Kwang Young (b. 1944) and Oh Se-yeol (b. 1945) to new works by artists who continue to be represented by the gallery such as Jang Kwang-bum (b. 1972), Seo Sang-ik (b. 1977), Yoon Sang-Yoon (b. 1978), Jeong Seong-Joon (b. 1981) and Chae Ji-Min (b. 1983). In addition, the latest works of the gallery's new faces such as Paek Yunzo (b. 1980), Lee Jae-hyun (b. 1979), Sung Yeon-hwa (b. 1986), Lee Dong-gu (b. 1997), Tatsuhito Horikoshi (b. 1985, Japan), and Gabrielle Graessle (b. 1956, Switzerland) will be featured in this exhibition.

As the nickname "Small Art Fair in Hannam-dong" makes clear, viewers can see different styles of works at a glance, from the art toy sculpture of tOBEY (b. 1984) to the LED painting of Choi Soo-hwan, which is not limited to painting and drawing.

To start the new year meaningfully together with the international art lovers who have loved the gallery throughout the year, we will give the public a "small but sweet treat" with the year-end and new year gift exhibition.

Exhibition View
  • The Pied Piper(walk series), 100x80.3cm, oil on canvas, 2022

    백윤조 Paek Yunzo

  • Flow no.36, 53 x 45.5 cm, Hanji, acrylic, wax paper, ink on canvas, 2022

    성연화 Sung Yeon-Hwa

  • Untitled, 45.5 x 37.9cm, mixed media, 2022

    오세열 Oh Se-Yeol

  • Aggregation22-JL190, 88 x 75 cm, mixed media with Korean mulberry paper, 2022

    전광영 Chun Kwang Young

  • n.t. 2022 Acrylic spray glitter, 80 x 60 cm

    가브리엘 그래슬 Gabrielle Graessle

  • Cosmic friend, 2021, Oil on canvas, 91 x 72 cm

    타츠히토 호리코시 Tatsuhito Horikoshi

  • SOMEONE, 2022, Oil on canvas, 53cm x 41cm

    변웅필 Byen Ung-Pil

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