박종규Park Jong-Kyu
21.03.09. - 21.04.09.

서울에서 5년만에 진행되는 박종규 개인전. 디지털 이미지의 최소 단위인 픽셀(pixel)에서 추출한 점과 선의 이미지를 통해 ’노이즈(noise)‘를 표현한 <~Kreuzen> 연작 전시

Park Jong Kyu's solo exhibition in Seoul for the first time in five years. Points extracted from pixels, the smallest unit of digital images, and <~Kreuzen> series exhibition showing 'noise' through images of lines.

Exhibition View
  • ~kreuzen, 162.2 x 130.3 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020

    박종규 Park Jong-Kyu

  • ~kreuzen, 162.2 x 130.3 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020

    박종규 Park Jong-Kyu

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